Base Tea and Infusion Flavour Profiles

We pride ourselves in making quality blends using quality ingredients.

Black Teas 

Darjeeling - The leaf of this tea is coppery brown with silver tips, producing a bolder liquor and has a strong characteristic taste of musky muscatel grapes.

Ceylon Black - The intensely black, long and wiry leaves produce a full-bodied liquor which leaves a sweetish after taste.

Assam - When brewed, the liquor is particularly light, brisk, and aromatic.

Lapsang Souchong - This tea has a strong, crisp, smokey taste.

Earl Grey - Blend of Assam and Ceylon teas with bergamot and a sprinkling of orange blossoms making for a light but full bodied tea with notes of maltiness perfectly blending alongside the citrus of the bergamot and floral lingering notes of orange blossom.

Green Teas

Sencha - This tea has a rich vegetal flavour and aroma with moderate bitterness and a slight nutty quality with a deep aftertaste. Sencha has both small and larger leaf particles. This gives the Sencha a fuller body than many other green teas.

Gunpowder Green - This tea creates a refreshing bright pale yellow infusion with a light green tint, full of vegetal, earthy and misty flavours.


Raspberry Leaf - A caffeine-free mild tasting infusion with grassy and woodsy notes without the bitterness. 

Chamomile - A caffeine-free floral infusion with wonderful apple like notes.

Peppermint - A caffeine-free refreshing tea with fresh menthol aroma.

Hibiscus - A caffeine-free herbal tea has a tart, cranberry-like flavour

Herbal Teas

Yerba Mate - Mate is strongly vegetal, herbal, and grassy, reminiscent of some varieties of green tea with hints of tobacco and oak.

Brewing Temperatures

Our recommended brewing temperatures for our teas and infusions are as follows:

Black teas - 90 to 98C

Green teas - 75 to 85C

Infusions - 90 to 98C

Medical Claims and Allegens

With a 5 star hygiene rating from the UK Food Standards Agency, Elven Fairy Teas provides high quality teas and infusions.

Although many people do find health benefits from ingredients found in our teas and infusions, we don't make any health or medical claims about any of our products.

It is recommended that Chamomile and Raspberry Leaf are avoided by pregnant women due to the possiblity they can cause uterine contractions. The U.S. National Institutes of Health also recommends that people with ragworth allergy or people taking blood thinners should avoid chamomile infusions.

Our products are made in a kitchen that also handles allegens such as nuts, dairy, and milk. Therefore, even though our products don't themselves contain allegens unless specifically stated, we cannot guarantee that they are made in an allegen free environment.

How does my water affect the taste of my tea?

Hard water contains a high concentration of minerals, so can stop the tea leaves from fully infusing and extracting their flavours, resulting in a weaker and less flavorful cup of tea. You may find you need to steep your tea slightly longer if you live in a hard water area